Za tebe ljubavi moja / For You My Love

Za tebe ljubavi moja

Išao sam na trg ptica,
i kupio sam ptice
za tebe ljubavi moja.

Išao sam na trg cveća,
i kupio sam cveće
za tebe ljubavi moja.

Išao sam na trg železa,
i kupio sam okove,
teške okove
za tebe ljubavi moja.

A zatim sam otišao na trg robova,
I tražio tebe,
ali te nisam našao
ljubavi moja.

Žak Prever

For You My Love

For you, my love
I went to a bird market
and I bought a bird
for you my love.

I went to a flower market
and I bought a flower
for you my love.

I went to a junk market
and I bought a chain
a heavey chain
for you my love.

And I went to a slave market
and I searched for you,
but I couldn’t find you anywhere
my love.

Jacques Prévert

Doručak / Breakfast


Sipao je kafu u šolju,
dolio mleko,
stavio je šećer
u belu kafu,
promešao kašičicom,
popio belu kafu
i spustio šolju
ne govoreći ništa.

Potom je zapalio cigaretu,
pravio kolutove dima,
otresao pepeo u pepeljaru
ne govoreći mi ništa,
ne gledajući me.

Ustao je,
stavio šešir na glavu,
obukao kišni mantil
jer je padala kiša
i otišao po kiši,
bez reči,
bez pogleda,
a ja sam spustila
glavu u ruke
i plakala.

Žak Prever


He poured the coffee
into the cup,
he put the milk
into the cup of coffee,
he put the sugar
into the coffee with milk
with a small spoon,
he churned,
he drank the coffee
and he put down the cup
without any word to me.

He emptied the coffee with milk
and he put down the cup
without any word to me.

He lighted
one cigarette,
he made circles
with the smoke,
he shook off the ash
into the ashtray
without any word to me,
without any look at me.

He got up,
he put on
a hat on his head,
he put on
a raincoat
because it was raining
and he left
into the rain
without any word to me,
without any look at me.

And I buried
my face in my hands,
and I cried.

Jacques Prévert